Saturday, August 30, 2014

#004 Beach Barbie

Friday's Beach Barbie scene.  The cool breeze blowing across the white, sandy beach. The sun caressing my skin, as I take a quick walk around the island, my feet sinking into the warm sand.   I think I want to live here, how about you?

Where to shop: 

Bikini Top: DRIFT Vintage Bikini [MESH] Rockabilly Set-TOP w/HUD@ The Dressing Room
Bikini Bottom: DRIFT Vintage Bikini [MESH] Solid Set-BOTTOMS w/HUD @ The Dressing Room 
Hair: *ARGRACE* KAEDE - Blondes *NEW*
Glasses: .tsg.Kokoro Glasses - Bubblegum @ The Sugar Garden
Ring: .:villena:. - Kush Ring
Necklace: MG - Necklace -Juicy Love Lips


Wednesday, August 27, 2014

#003 Photo Mess

I decided to play around a little bit in Photoshop, I am not liking the looks of my photo's lately.  I think its because of the viewer I am using to take the photos....does anyone have an idea of what the best viewer would be to use for photography?   If you do, please drop me a line and let me know.

Anyway on to the next photo....

For some reason I am not getting the detail I used to get, I tried to add it back in with photoshop and it does a good job just not what I am used too.  Also my photo sizing is off....what should the snapshot be set at in the viewer within SL?   hmmm I cannot remember....anyway if anyone has any idea please let me know.

The Look:
The shoes:  Bens Boutique
The Dress: Apple May Designs

Barbie XoXo

Monday, August 25, 2014

#002 Wild West Fair

Hi SL friends. Barbie here....I am fixin to head out but I wanted to share this with you.  I picked up a cute little outfit at the Wild West Fair.  They have some really cute outfits there among other items, such as shoes, heels, jewelry and more.  The design of  the fair is reminiscent of a little western town set in the 1800's.  It  reminds me of Tombstone, Arizona.   Anyway, here is a picture of the cute outfit I picked up.

I don't know about you honey, but I could use a tall glass of sweet tea about now - whew it is heating up outside.   So, how many of you have ever been to Tombstone or to the Southwestern part of the United States?  Did you enjoy it? Did you find it hot but beautiful in a wild and rustic way?   

Let me introduce myself.  My name is Barbie Dahl and although I have been in Second Life forever it seems, this is a new redesigned avi.   I left SL for a time to regroup in real life, finish school and basically get to a place where I can enjoy my SL as much as my RL.  I think we are going to have a fun time together as we progress through the craziness and wonders of Second Life.  

To get this look:

Top and Jacket; {ViSion} - S&F - Open Lolas  Jeans Jacket W/ Applier - PINK
Shorts: {ViSion} - S&F - Levi Shorts Mesh - Pink
Shoes: {Infliction} Battle Heels (Slink High) - Pink
Bracelets: *Reign.- Boho Watch- Teal
Mesh Hands:  Slink AvEnhance Hands Female - Elegant 1
Skin:  [the Skinnery] Bella - Bare face(honey) 

Sunday, August 17, 2014

#001 Graffiti Grit

I'm back.  Thought I would announce my return with some Graffiti Grit.   Dark Creed is a role play city that has some really cool textures, there is something around every turn but not only that it is gritty, grimy and well FUN!

The skirt and top are by {Vision}, the top also supports Lola implants for a change of pace or for the night of fun role play.   Your choice of course....  ;)

To get this look: